A Teacher and Adult

Empowered Path:

Magical Movement for Children 


 A gathering and renewal  of like minded persons who would like to enrich their own lives while they are creating space for the flourishing of our next generations.

 While you are exploring  inspiring and expressive material to teach children you will also have the opportunity to learn more about your own expressive, creative and fun side. When we feel confident and alive with our own free-spirited self it is easy to create the space for all types of children to find their own empowered, confident expressive self. My aim is to support and inspire you to become the best teacher you can be. And as a teacher or caregiver  of children you not only teach the creative/performing arts you also wear many hats including teacher, student, mommy, daddy, mediator, band-aid giver, hugger, leader, listener, provider of inspiration, tear wiper, psychologist, boundary keeper, manners reminder, artist, choreographer, singer, actor, visionary, etc, etc., and you may wear most of these hats within one class. Phew! We really do all have the capacity to wear all of these hats - it just takes practice and practice and then some more practice. In this especially designed course you will have many possibilities to practice.

Our world is getting faster and faster and more and more mechanical with a lot of sitting and sitting and eyes glazing over as our children gaze at the windows of computers, videos/games, TVs, etc.... It is important to continue to provide environments where kids can explore the magic of movement, dance, song, physical- expression, etc.

 his course also gives you the opportunity to become one of the keepers (or enliven who you are as a keeper already) of the magic, sparkle and grace that a teacher of children automatically receives...When you work with children you shine! And as you shine you will continue to inspire children and yourself to keep dancing into the shining light that they/you already are!


If you are interested or know someone who is ready for this adventure please contact me at (857) 544-3583 or MMedicineDancer@Yahoo.com.


Here is Some of What We will cover:

Magical Movement for children (including dance, yoga, improvisation) ages 3-9 and how to adapt ideas to suit the different ages.

Group energy and attention and how to follow and guide it

Working with children and parents together

Leadership - Yours and the child's

Discussion on how to let go of the written agenda

 Foreseeing potential problems and recovering from those that arrive unannounced!

 Yes you can say "NO"

 Who are you anyway?

 Creating in and trusting the unknown

 The healing aspects of dance/yoga and the arts

 Your journey into dance/yoga...be prepared to sweat!

 An array of other wonderful fun teaching tools.

 Open to all levels of teaching and caregiving 





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